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FOSS: Standing on the shoulders of law (EOLE)
    Friday October 12, 2012 2:00pm - 7:00pm @ Room Milan

    L'« European Open source and free software Law Event » est un événement juridique de référence qui réunit les acteurs européens prenant part aux aspects juridiques liés aux Logiciels Libres et Open Source.
    L'objectif de cet événement est de favoriser la mutualisation et la diffusion de connaissances juridiques, ainsi que le développement et la promotion de bonnes pratiques dans le domaine du Logiciel Libre. Il est programmé tous les ans dans un lieu différent  afin de partager, de confronter et d'améliorer les approches existantes au sein de l'Europe et au-delà.
    C'est un événement indépendant, à visée non commerciale et gratuit.

    L'événement de cette année est une édition « anniversaire » et le thème est volontairement large (« FOSS : standing on the shoulders of law »). Il favorisera l'étude du Logiciel Libre et Open Source au regard de son rattachement à la Loi, permettant de mettre en exergue les stratégies, de déterminer les obstacles à lever ainsi que les leviers accélérant son succès.


    The European Open source and free software Law Event is a unique legal oriented event which welcomes lawyers working with OS and people interested in this topic, from  Europe and the entire world.
    EOLE aims to promote the sharing and dissemination of legal knowledge on Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) licences, as well as the development and promotion of good practices in the field.
    This is an independant, non commercial and free event.

    This year’s event is a special anniversary Edition and its theme is voluntarily very broad ("FOSS : standing on the shoulders of law"). Legal experts will speak about which laws, regulations, rules or legal practices they find important for or relevant to the FOSS movement, be it some ground-breaking case law, new legal trends, contractual practices, recent initiatives from communities, or even more sector-related specificities.



    (9h00 - 13h)

    Copyleft extent

    - Viral Licences – Myth or Reality? Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz (Unisys)

    - The Affero GPLv3: Why It Exists & Who It's For? Bradley M. Kuhn (Software Freedom Conservancy)

    Open source and Formalism

    - Contribution Policies for FOSS Projects, Richard Fontana (Red Hat)

    - The Rise and Evolution of the Open Source Software Foundation, Stephen R. WALLI (Outercurve)

    Open source governance

    - Feedback on open source Governance, Céline Fontaine (Orange)

    - License compatibility analysis and components based systems in public research: presentation of a practical approach, Magali Fitzgibbon (INRIA)




    Public procurement of FOSS

    - Public procurement of FOSS, Daniel Melin (Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency)

    - Procuring software by mentioning brand names, Mathieu Paapst (Groningen University)

    Open Source in M&A

    - USA practices in M&A, L. Philip Odence (Black Duck)

    - French M&A in FOSS, Olivier Hugot (Hugot Avocats)


     - 13 Years of FLOSS License Compliance: A Historical Perspective, Bradley M. Kuhn (Software Freedom Conservancy)

    - GPL-violations, (TBD)

    Economic impacts of Open Source software

    - Free “Libre” Open Source Software Licenses – a Picklock to Open the Market, Massimiliano Gambardella

    - FOSS and competition law, Benjamin Jean (inno³)

    Bradley M. Kuhn is the Distinguished Technologist at Software...

    Procurement officer for the Swedish public sector. Specializes...

    Richard Fontana is Senior Commercial Counsel - Products and Technologies...

    legal aspects of FOSS

    Lecturer of Digital Economy at University Paris Ouest and University...

    Benjamin Jean is CEO of inno³, an open innovation consulting...

    Mathieu Paapst LLM works as a lecturer and researcher at the...

    Phil Odence is Vice President of Corporate and Business Development...

    I am a technical executive, a founder, a consultant, a writer...

    Type Human & Legal
    Universe Think

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