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Devroom “Cloud & Distributed Systems”
    Friday October 12, 2012 10:00am - 12:30pm @ Room Londres

    La Devroom “Cloud & Distributed Systems”   traitera des problématiques liées aux systèmes distribués et au Cloud comptine : IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, gestion de configuration d’environnements complexes, optimisation de bases de données (No)SQL pour le Cloud, et plus généralement les technologies existantes pour exploiter au mieux les systèmes distribués. Les présentations seront assurées par des spécialistes du domaine tels que SysFera, RedHat, CloudBees, Microsoft, Normation et Inria.


    En clôture, ces experts participeront à une table ronde sur “Comment exploiter le PaaS pour faciliter le déploiement et la maintenance de services”. Ils montreront en quoi le PaaS est indispensable pour exploiter au mieux le Cloud et fournir des solutions en SaaS efficaces et performantes.



    La Devroom “Cloud & Distributed Systems”, l’événement à ne pas manquer pour comprendre le Cloud d’aujourd’hui et découvrir le Cloud de demain !



    • Workflow allocations and scheduling on IaaS platforms, from theory to practice, Adrian Muresan

    The workflow application pattern is very common across scientific domains. In a traditional grid environment, scientist have to compete with each
    other for compute resources which often leads to over-provisioning and under-use of resources. In addition, workflow applications have a non-constant demand of resources and therefore in a traditional environment involving static resource allocations, a part of the resources will not be used. This is an inefficient use of resources.

    The current work addresses the problem of resource allocation for non-deterministic workflows under budget constraints. This talk will present an approach for using on-demand resource allocations for scientific workflow applications. With on-demand resources we can
    satisfy the application usage needs without over-provisioning which leads to a higher usage efficiency. We present a way of transforming the initial problem into sub-problems that have been studied before. We propose two new allocation algorithms that are capable of determining resource allocations under budget constraints and we present ways of using them to address the problem at hand.

    We have tested our approach by using DIET (MADag)
    as a workflow engine, Nimbus as an IaaS resource provider and a real-world scientific workflow application called RAMSES, used for n-body simulations of dark-matter particles that represent the backbone of galaxies.


    Adrian Muresan is finishing his phD at ENS Lyon within GRAAL...

    VP of International Business Development, Cloudbees | François has more than 25 years of experience in the IT industry...

    Type CODE
    Universe Code

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